Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday Morning Breakfast

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Weekends are usually my time where I can enjoy my cooking.. It becomes less of a daily task and more of my hobby again.

I'm cooking a few things today so I wanted it to be quick and simple, so here is my breakfast.

Sunday Morning Omelet
Serves 2

6 Eggs
1 Vine ripened tomato
1 Onion
Salt & Pepper to taste
Chives to serve

With so little ingredients, you can always make this one up :)

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-you can add any filling you like.. I like to sometimes add flavoured tuna.

Crack eggs into bowl and lightly beat. Finely chop tomato, onion & mushroom.

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Fry filling first until cooked to your liking. Set aside

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Fry 1/2 of lightly beaten eggs.

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When the top is only very slightly soft, add your filling, you can see below that this is Mr. BB's omelet as there is no mushroom. I also have to add, please don't be greedy like me and add 5x the amount of filling to egg :)

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Fold over and fry for an additional minute or two. The last bit of runny egg will seal your omelet.

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Repeat for your #2 omlet

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And Vio la! Breakfast in minutes :D

Serve with a crusty piece of bread and some earl grey.. Perfection!


  1. This looks just like how I like my omelettes to be-fluffy and filled up! :D

  2. I want my BF to read this entry... he thinks he can make an omelet, but hes mistaken... lol... yours look so yummy!!

  3. Hahaha, do it! This way is fool proof :D
